IVF or in vitro fertilization is a series of procedures performed in order to help couples with the conception of a child. IVF technique is considered to be one of the most effective forms of assisted reproductive technology.
Many couples worldwide are requesting more information about IVF in Egypt, where they can undergo it using up-to-date techniques under the supervision of experienced, and specialized physicians, at a very affordable price.

Why do we need IVF?

IVF in Egypt is mainly used to treat different infertility problems for women aged over 40, or those who experience one of the following problems:

  • Ovulation disorders result in the production of fewer eggs.
  • Uterine fibroids may prevent the proper implantation of the fertilized egg.
  • Fallopian tube problems including blockage and damage prevent embryos from entering the uterus, they can also affect the egg’s natural fertilization.
  • Sperms problems in men regarding their count, motility, and size and shape abnormalities.
  • Infertility of unknown causes.

Preparing yourself before IVF in Egypt

IVF procedures success rates depend on multiple factors:

  • Wife’s age.
  • The medical situation of both the husband and his wife.
  • The treatment approaches.
  • Experience and professionality of the supervising physicians.

Partners need to undergo a group of screening to increase the success rate of IVF in Egypt, and to ensure the applicability of the procedure so as not to waste their money! These screenings include:

  1. Semen analysis.
  2. Testing the ovarian reserve:
    A test conducted to determine the quality and quantity of eggs. It is also required to test for FSH, estrogen, and anti-mullerian hormone.
  3. Uterine examination:
    This examination includes ultrasound and sonohysterography.
  4. Infectious diseases checking tests.

Steps of IVF 

At the end of the screening process, your physician will start performing the main steps of IVF that include:

  1. Induction of ovulation
    Ovulation is induced through the use of several medications which are determined by your doctor, it usually takes around two weeks to stimulate the ovulation, then the doctor requests some tests to decide when to collect the eggs.
  2. The process of retrieving eggs
    The egg is retrieved through a minor procedure using transvaginal ultrasound aspiration after being sedated.
  3. Sperms retrieval
    The semen sample is obtained either by masturbation or by testicular aspiration.
  4. Fertilization
    This is the process of inserting the sperm into the egg.
  5. Transfering the egg
    This is the final step where the fertilized egg (embryo) is inserted inside the uterus.

When will the results of IVF in Egypt appear?

Pregnancy usually occurs 12 days after the end of all of the IVF procedures, your doctor will request a pregnancy blood test to ensure the occurrence of pregnancy.

The success rate of IVF in Rahem center

Rahem center has achieved the highest success rates in Egypt and the Middle East regarding the performance of IVF. Among the reasons of the increased success rates: 

  • The use of uptodate advanced technologies and equipment in IVF procedures including the well-known super accurate microinjection microscope.
  • Establishing sterile units that are specially designed to provide the optimum conditions for handling eggs, sperms, and embryos.

Do you want to learn more about Dr. Eman ElGendy? Here’s everything you need to know.

Academic Career

Dr. Eman ElGendy is a professor of obstetrics and gynecology and an IVF and infertility treatment consultant in the college of medicine at Zagazig University. She earned her Ph.D. degree in Fertility Assistance from Maastricht University in the Netherlands.

 Research and clinical interests

Dr. Eman’s research has been published in many scientific publications and presented at some prestigious conferences throughout the world: Europe, the United States of America, and various countries in the Middle East.

 She has authored numerous scientific researches for prestigious peer-reviewed journals, which include:

  • The relationship between egg shape, fertilization rates, and embryo quality in IVF cases. The results of this study were presented at the European Fertility Society meeting in Tours, France, and published in the European Fertility Society Journal.
  • The effect of the anti-mullerian hormone on egg stock in the female ovary, which can be used to stimulate ovulation. The findings of this study were presented at the Middle East Fertility Society’s conference in Jordan, and they were published in the Journal of the American Fertility Assistance Association.
  • Dr. Eman tested the influence of pregnancy-inducing medications, such as high-dose estradiol, after embryo transfer and for two weeks. She found that delivering it through the vaginal canal increases the amount of the hormone in the blood, resulting in more excellent conception rates. This study was presented at the American Society for Assisted Reproduction’s conference in Washington, and it was published in the Journal of the American Society for Assisted Reproduction.

 Honors and Awards

Let’s learn more about Dr. Eman ElGendy’s honors and awards; she received the following awards:

  • The best researcher in the field of fertilization assistance in the Middle East (2008)
  • University excellence award in Medical Sciences (2013)
  • University appreciation award for her successful contribution in scientific and academic development at the university (2008, 2009, 2011, 2010, and 2012)


What is the cost of IVF in Egypt?

Generally, the cost of IVF in Egypt is considered to be low compared to other Middle Eastern countries, Europe, and the United States despite the high quality of the process! Check the costs of different procedures of IVF in Egypt:

Each IVF Cycle costs $3000 Including:

    • Semen analysis and freezing.
    • Blood tests.
    • ICSI.
    • 3D Sonar.
    • Prescribed medications.

We also offer a variety of different assisted reproduction techniques: 

  • Surgical Hysteroscopy costs $800.
  • Embryo freezing costs $500.
  • NGS (one Embryo costs $500).
  • Gene disorder test costs $5000.
  • Fertility preservation (eggs freezing process) costs $2000.

What about accommodation and transportation during the IVF cycle in Egypt

  • Transportation from Cairo Airport to a furnished apartment in Rehab City just 15 minutes away and back to the airport, the cheapest Uber Option, this will be Suitable cost for one month which is the needed time for the IVF cycle.
  • If you have any infertility issues? Please don’t hesitate to visit Rahem center in Egypt to get high-quality medical services.
  •  Rahem center welcomes all of your questions! For more information, kindly call us on: +201033808333

Read More:

IVF (In-vitro Fertilization)

ICSI (intra cytoplasmic sperm injection)

Dr.Eman Elgendy

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